Take your Business to Next Level

Choose the right keywords and most of your efforts are sorted.

Conceptz, being the best SEO Company, will help you with choosing the right keywords. Keywords are at the focal point of SEO, and SEO is the focal point of a successful online business. From insights on target audience demographics, we isolate the best SEO strategies that you can implement.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It is the element of digital marketing that drives traffic to your online content, be it your website or social media accounts.

Imagine a potential customer X is searching online for services or products that your business offers. They type their search in a Search Engine like Google. It brings back millions of results. Of course, X is most likely to click on the links from the top results. Wouldn’t you want your business to be on top? That’s exactly what SEO does. It drives your business to the top through free and organic search results.

Search Engine Optimisation is the foundation of all successful digital marketing strategies and campaigns. As the best SEO agency in Coimbatore, Conceptz leverages the most effective SEO strategies to organically place and sustain your business in the top Search Engine Results. We have dedicated SEO experts who research, keep up with, and even create keyword trends that drive business to your website.

Why is it important?

SEO has always been at the forefront of Digital Marketing and has remained relevant through the years. Regardless of typing or using voice commands or even gestures, people end up using search engines to look up information, shop, sell, and more, online. Capturing their attention to your business at this pivotal point gets you a high volume of good leads. You can’t do business with mere footfalls. There needs to be an influx of website visits that actually convert into paying customers. This is where a smart SEO strategy from a great SEO services company in Coimbatore comes into play.

SEO Coimbatore

The best place to hide a dead body is the second page of Google search.

What is advanced SEO?

Advanced SEO is the set of SEO practices that require expert level knowledge to strategize and implement. And, we at Conceptz are experts at it!

There is a deeper understanding of Google’s algorithm and what a website needs to rank higher in the current trends. Web crawlers show a tendency to rank websites that are optimised with advanced SEO higher than those optimised with normal SEO practices. When talking about advanced SEO, of course the question arises how to take SEO to the next level.

There are 10 simple yet effective ways, we at Conceptz implement Advanced SEO

Refurbished Content

Instead of creating fresh content, we leverage the existing website content and its reach. There is good scope for improving existing content with a few tweaks and keyword insertions. Using performance data, we retain the content that works and improve upon the poor performing areas.

Pillar Pages

Pillar pages help concentrate all your content to a single page, from which users can navigate through your site. With topic clusters you are bringing together related content and make it easier for the algorithm to understand the relevancy of the page to the search intent of the users.

Content Audits

Content audits help identify redundant and obsolete content that is holding back your site in the search engine results. We conduct them on a continuous and periodic basis depending on content volume, helping you stay on top of customer expectations.

Merge pages with same intent

With content heavy websites, there is the issue of 2 or more pages having the same intent and optimised for the same keywords. Both the pages won’t rank high in search results. We audit the site and merge the pages and reduce the site redundancy.

Improved internal linking

Internal linking is an oft overlooked SEO tactic that can work wonders for your digital presence. We identify your high ranking pages and link them internally in related pages. This boosts organic visibility and also works well when you scale up the site with new content.

Featured Snippets

Featured Snippets are the most coveted Google feature for listings. They are highlighted results that feature at Position Zero in the search results. We help your business achieve the Zero Position increasing the click rate and conversions.

Remove 404 Pages

As websites scale up, there is the risk of 404 pages. They can considerably slow down your site. You might even have backlinks to these pages that could harm your reputation. We audit and remove these pages to optimize your site for relevant content.

Hop on competitor’s broken links

We run competitor analysis and identify their 404 pages. This presents a whole niche to capitalise on where your resources can be cited as reliable links. This form of broken link building brings your site to the limelight as authoritative and credible.

FAQ Schema

If your page calls for Q&A style content, we craft it into a FAQ schema that will take your page high up in the search engine results. These tend to rank within the top 5 results and users can actually access the different FAQs right from the search results page.

Access to site log files

We give you access to your website’s log files that shows you exactly how your site is being crawled. Not only does it help recognise issues, it also highlights opportunities that make your site rank better in the search engine results.